ABC is a novel methodology that exploits process mining techniques to evaluate smart contracts, and to support the work of the auditor.
The methodology has been applied on the list of transactions available on-line resulting from the execution of RotoHive, that is an on-line fantasy sport running weekly tournaments. The application has been implemented as a smart contract on the Ethreum blockchain, that provides a set of operations that a player can invoke to play in a tournament. In running process mining we apply three different algorithms: the HeuristicsMiner, the Inductive Miner, and the Split Miner.
- XES File resulting from smart contract transaction retrieval Download
- Process model resulting from the application of HeuristicsMiner Download
- Process model resulting from the application of the Inductive Miner Download
- Process model resulting from the application of Split Miner Download
The methodology is supported by a tool web available at the following link – http//
- F. Corradini, A. Morichetta, A. Polini, B. Re, M. Sampaolo and F. Marcantoni. Enabling Auditing on Ethereum Blockchain Through Process Mining. LNCS Festschrift volume that celebrates Stefania’s 65th birthday. [link]