Workshop on Blockchain for Information Systems (BC4IS) and
Blockchain for Trusted Data Sharing (B4TDS)
Co-located with the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE)
03 – 07 June 2024, Limassol, Cyprus
About the workshop
Blockchain technology enables mutually distrusting parties to share data and business logic in a trusted way, without requiring trusted third parties. It provides a form of shared database and execution environment with additional trust guarantees compared to more traditional solutions. Among others, blockchain and smart contracts can help provide and decentrally manage trusted evidence of information stored and exchanged. This is a core element in processes involving mutually distrusting participants and is also valuable for auditing, verification and sharing purposes.
The relatively new nature of blockchain technology and its distinctive characteristics such as decentralization and immutability raise new challenges from an information systems perspective. Important challenges revolve around the requirements of engineering, development, integration, use, governance, and evolution for and of such systems. The Blockchain for Information Systems (BC4IS) workshop invites theoretical, conceptual, technical and applied contributions around these challenges.
Specific challenges arise from the data perspective of blockchain-based information systems.
Among others, there is a need for innovative solutions and research around the storage, organization, retrieval, and sharing of data in a decentralized and trusted way. This would be a step towards strengthening the decentralized access to data for businesses, organizations, or participants in worldwide distributed networks. The Blockchain for Trusted Data Sharing (B4TDS) workshop welcomes conceptual, technical, application-oriented and case-study contributions around these challenges.
This year, the BC4IS and B4TDS workshops will be held as a joint event, co-located with the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE). The joint workshop will help further advance research on blockchain-based solutions from various perspectives. For contributions focusing on data management aspects, researchers wishing to submit their work should refer to the call for paper available on the B4TDS website. For contributions around the other topics we mentioned, we refer researchers to the call for paper on the BC4IS website.
The main topics relevant to the BC4IS&B4TDS workshop include, but are not limited to:
Blockchain for Information Systems:
Blockchain-Based Solutions for Organizations
- Models, methods and tools for the design of blockchain-based solutions
- Meta-models and ontologies for blockchain-based solutions
- Challenges related to the design of blockchain-based solutions
- Sustainability of blockchain-based solutions
- Empirical material providing and assessing approaches to the design of blockchain-based solutions
- Field experience providing details, benefits or challenges in the design of blockchain-based solutions
Blockchain-Enabled Business Processes (BEBPs) - Modeling
- Implementation
- Execution
- Automation
- Monitoring
- Optimization
- Innovation and re-engineering using Blockchain Technology
- BEBPs for specific industries (e.g. Banking and Finance, Supply Chain, Retail, Government)
Blockchain Network and Data Governance - Blockchain data management
- Blockchain data provenance
- Data security, privacy and trust in blockchain
- Governance of blockchain-based networks
Blockchain for Audit and Governance - Blockchain to support audit
- Blockchain to support organizational governance
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
Blockchain for Trusted Data Sharing:
- Blockchain data management
- Blockchain data sharing
- Blockchain data provenance
- Trusted data for AI
- Data traceability for explainable/trustworthy AI
- Distributed learning through blockchain
- Data-intensive applications on blockchain
- Data privacy on the blockchain
- Blockchain-based authentication and access control
- Data protection frameworks
- Layer-two solutions for data management
- Off-chain data management solutions
- Oracles for trusted data sharing
- Data structure and optimization in smart contracts
- Blockchain hybrid architectures
- Cross-chain data integration
- Data analytics techniques on blockchain
- Query languages on blockchain
- Data auditing and monitoring on blockchain
- Data visualization on blockchain
- Case studies on blockchain
Submission Guidelines
The papers have to be submitted via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caise2024), choosing the present workshop as the track to which you submit the paper.
The proceedings of these workshops are intended to be published in a joint volume in the Springer LNBIP series. Submissions must conform to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP format and should not exceed 12 pages.
Key dates
- Abstract submission deadline: March 11th, 2024
- Workshop paper submission:
26th February 202418th March 2024 - Workshop paper decision:
27th March 20241st April 2024 - Camera-ready due: 5th April 2024
- Author registration deadline: 10th April 2024
Workshop Program (Monday, June 3)
9:00 Joint Workshop Introduction – Victor Amaral de Sousa and Alessandro Marcelletti
Session 1 (Chaired by Alessandro Marcelletti)
9:10 Keynote – Claudio Di Ciccio: “I’m still/ I’m still / Chaining from the Block”: An Outlook of the Ongoing and Future Relationship between Blockchain Technologies and Process-aware Information Systems
10:00 Paper Presentation – Yuntian Ding, Nicolas Herbaut and Daniel Négru: A conceptual model for blockchain-based trust in digital ecosystem
Session 2 (Chaired by Victor Amaral de Sousa)
11:00 Paper Presentation – Ankur Lohachab and Visara Urovi: A Blockchain-based Approach for Model Card Accountability and Regulatory Compliance
11:30 Paper Presentation – Alessandro Bigiotti, Maria Paola Francesca Bottoni and Giacomo Nalli:
Blockchain in E-Learning Platform to Enhance Trustworthy and Sharing of Micro-Credentials
12:00 Paper Presentation – Rongxin Guan, Ji Qi. Tianxiang Shen, Sen Wang, Gong Zhang and Heming Cui:
High-Performance Confidentially- Preserving Blockchain via GPU-Accelerated Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Alessandro Marcelletti
University of Camerino, Italy
Felix Härer
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Sarah Bouraga
University of Namur, Belgium
Victor Amaral de Sousa
University of Namur, Belgium