2nd International Workshop on 
Digital Twins for 
Business Processes


11-15 September 2023
Utrecht, The Netherlands 

The Rise of Digital Process Twins

In the last years, the Internet of Things has been adopted in several sectors, influencing and enhancing how people and organisations work leading to the establishment of the term IoT-aware business process. Such a concept is now pushed forward by the rise of digital twins that have become more affordable and promise to drive the future of business processes.

Advanced ways of managing and maintaining business processes come within reach as there is a Digital Process Twin of the real process with real-time capabilities. A digital process twin is a virtual replica of the near-time process occurrences in an organization. Thousands of sensors are being placed to monitor physical processes, all collecting data from different dimensions, such as environmental conditions, behavioural characteristics of machines and their users, and work that is being performed. All this data is continuously collected, elaborated and exchanged in such a way to guide day-to-day organization activities. 

Digital process twins, together with the advancement in artificial intelligence, cloud, and edge computing, offer a great amount of business potential by predicting the future instead of analyzing the past of the processes. The representation of reality created by digital process twins allows us to evolve towards ex-ante business practices.

The objective of the DT4BP workshop is to attract researchers and industry practitioners to discuss the continuous enhancement of business processes including IoT aspects, up to the concept of Digital Process Twin, and present open challenges, state of the art, in-progress research, and practical experiences, including case studies. 

During the workshop we will have brainstorming sessions which conclusions might be of inspiration for the co-creation of a manifesto regarding the integration of Business Processes and Digital Twins.

The workshop is co-located with the 21st International Conference on Business Process Management .


The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Business Process Management and Digital Twins
Design and Management of Digital Process Twins
Conceptual Modelling of Digital Process Twins
Framework Definition for Digital Process Twins
Digital Process Twins Simulation
Digital Process Twins for What-if Process Analysis
Quality Assurance of Digital Process Twins
Enactment of Digital Process Twins
Collaboration among Digital Process Twins
Interaction and cooperation between Digital Process Twins and Humans
Practical validation and case studies of Digital Process Twins


Important Dates

Abstract Submission
May 20, 2023

Manuscript Submission
May 30, 2023

June 10, 2023 (extended)

Author Notification
June 30, 2023

Camera-ready Submission:
July 14, 2023

We welcome two kinds of publications: Regular Papers and Short Papers. 

Regular papers (max 12 pages, including references) original and novel research work, technical contribution, case study, or detailed experience report. Research papers should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Regular papers must follow the LNCS proceedings format and will be published in a Conference Proceedings.

Short papers (5 to 6 pages, including references) should advocate a promising research direction, or otherwise present a position likely to stimulate discussion at the workshop. We encourage e.g. established researchers to set out a personal vision, and beginning researchers to present a planned path to a PhD. Short papers will be published in separate CEUR proceedings

Submissions must be made through the main conference Easychair selecting the track "International Workshop on Digital Twins for Business Processes"

The quality of this workshop will be ensured by having each contribution being reviewed by at least three experts in the field.

Selected high quality papers will be recommended to submit an article to a TBD special issue


Program Chair

Fabrizio Fornari

University of Camerino



Program Chair

Pedro Valderas

Universitat Politècnica de València



Program Committee

Abel Armas Cervantes, University of Melbourne, Australia
Antonella Guzzo, University of Calabria, Italy
Artem Polyvyanyy, University of Melbourne, Australia
Barbara Re, University of Camerino, Italy
Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Daniel Calegari, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Emanuele Laurenzi, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland
Estefanía Serral, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Flavio Corradini, University of Camerino, Italy
Istvan David, University of Montréal, Canada
Lucineia Heloisa Thom, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Matteo Zavatteri, University of Padova, Italy
Oscar Fernando González Rojas, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Robert Andrei Buchmann, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
Victoria Torres Bosch, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain


The workshops and doctoral consortium will take place at Utrecht University’s buildings in the main city center.

The main conference will take place in TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht’s music hall.