Collaborations · July 6, 2022


The OMiLAB Node at the University of Camerino (OMiLAB@UNICAM) aims at fostering the encounter of students, researchers, professors,  and practitioners in the sector of model driven engineering and IoT favouring the development and the put in practice of model driven engineering approaches. 

Students and researchers can profit from the devices available to apply the knowledge acquired during the courses offered by the Computer Science department and to develop and test new ideas.


The following cyber-physical resources are available at the OMILAB node.

Dobot Magician – The Dobot Magician demonstrates sorting and collaborative scenarios.

Makeblock mBot This CPS is applied for smart mobility application scenarios.

Scene2Model Tool – A tool to support design thinking through collaborative and interactive sessions.

Keyestudio Smart Home Kit A STEM prototype of a domotic home to learn the Internet of things in a funny and convenient way.

Coex Clover Drones Clover is an educational kit of a programmable quadcopter that consists of popular open source components, and a set of necessary documentation and libraries for working with it.


Corradini, F., Fedeli, A., Fornari, F., Polini, A., & Re, B. (2022). FloWare: a model-driven approach fostering reuse and customisation in IoT applications modelling and development. Software and Systems Modeling, 1-28.

Corradini, F., Fedeli, A., Fornari, F., Polini, A., & Re, B. (2022, April). X-IoT: a model-driven approach for cross-platform IoT applications development. In Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (pp. 1448-1451).

Cognini, R., Corradini, F., Polini, A., Re, B.: Extending Feature Models to Express Variability in Business Process Models. In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops, CAiSE 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8-9, (2015).