Fabrizio Fornari is a Research Fellow in Computer Science at the University of Camerino, Italy, since 2022. He obtained his PhD (2018) and M.Sc. (2013) in Computer Science at the University of Camerino.
Since 2017, he is member of the PROcesses and Services Laboratory (PROS Lab) within he conducts his research activities.

His research interests can be related to the ERC macrosector PE6 and involve: Formal Methods, Business Process Management, Software Engineering, Internet of Things, Digital Twins and Applied Game Design.
During his PhD, he focused on the management of business processes starting from their design, to the analysis of properties by the definition of solutions based on formal methods.
After the PhD, he started researching on how the Internet of Things can affect business processes, from the design of IoT-Aware business process models to their execution. He also investigated and contributed to the definition of Model-Driven Engineering approaches that can be applied to support the development of IoT systems and applications.
Recently he started exploring the topic of Digital Twins with a particular focus on the conceptualisation and design of Digital Twin solutions.

He is available to supervise student’s group projects, bachelor and master thesis that are carried out on topics that revolve around his research interests (Formal Methods, Business Process Management, Software Engineering, Internet of Things, and Digital Twins).
He supervised a dozen of student’s group projects, and over twenty bachelor’s and master’s students in the development of their thesis.
He welcomes motivated students that are open to acquire new knowledge and to practice with new technologies and tools. If you are a student, feel free to contact him to find together the right topic for you.

BPMN-Redrawer – is a tool for supporting the redrawing of BPMN models from .png images to actual .bpmn
RePROSitory – a repository platform for sharing business process models and logs, with the aim of supporting researchers in the study and validation of BPM related solutions.
BProVe – Business Process Verifier, is a novel verification framework for BPMN 2.0. The analysis is based on a formal operational semantics defined for the BPMN 2.0 modelling language.
BEBoP – understandaBility vErifier for Business Process models, is a tool that supports business process designers in establishing whether a BPMN model comply with 50 understandability modelling guidelines that have been collected, synthesised and homogenised from the literature.

2022-2023 – Applied Game Design course at University of Camerino, Computer Science LM-18. The course focuses on: Game Design, Applied Game Design, Game-Related Tools, Game Design Document and Pitch. The course has been held in a mixed modality leveraging frontal lectures, practical sessions and hosting seminars by experts of the Game Design world.
2018-2019, 2020-2022 – Software Project Management Laboratory course at University of Camerino, Computer Science LM-18. The course focuses on: Agile software development methodology, Scrum, and DevOps. Students are introduced to technologies and techniques to support the development of a complex software project. They are placed in a stimulating context that allows them to face, as teams, the development of a software project.
2021-2022 – Logic and Constraint Programming course at University of Camerino, Computer Science LM-18. The course provided theoretical introductions to constraint, rule-based, and logic programming with a focus on applications and tools that the students practiced with such as: Minizinc, Drools, OR-tools, and Prolog. The course was held in collaboration with Dr. Lorenzo Rossi.
2018-2020 – Computer Science course at University of Macerata, School of Laws and Economics L-18. The course focused on providing students with a basic computer science knowledge. Computer science was introduced discussing how it fits into everyday life. Topics were addressed regarding computer architectures, hardware and software components, user interfaces, databases, the functioning of the Internet and the World Wide Web, and hints on recent technology innovations such as the Cloud and the Blockchain. Exercises were carried out with word processing software and electronic spreadsheets.

2022 – He organised the first International Workshop on Digital Twin for Business Processes co-located with the 20th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2022).
2018-2019 – He co-organized the 11th and the 12th Advanced Scientific Programming in Python – Summer School by the G-Node and the University of Camerino, Italy.